Communication is key
Communication is really important to being able to do what you want to do. Pack 52 uses “Scoutlander” to keep the pack organized and informed. However, it can only work if people know how to use it. So here are the basics.
Public Site
Our pack website is This address gets you to the PUBLIC SITE, where you will find the publiclly available pages about the pack and scouting, information on Pack 52 events, the Applications, FAQ, etc. There is a lot of useful information here, and all scout families should spend some time looking at these pages to learn about scouting in Pack 52. Once you have an account, you can log in to see the Private Site from here.
Private Site
To access our PRIVATE SITE, which contains information and photos only pack members can see, as well as the system for emailing, you need an invitation and a password. Everyone returning should already have gotten the invitation. New people will get it soon. You will have 5 days to accept the invitation. If you need a new invitation, email the site administrator (Lance Morton– An invitation will be sent to you.
Look at My Profile. After selecting it you should see your name. Click Edit Profile in the upper right corner. You can add a second email address if you have more than one. Scroll down until you see Phone and Address and fill in your personal information so that other pack members can call you and find your house when necessary. When you are finished, click Save in the bottom right corner.
If you would like another parent to receive emails and have access to the website, give the site administrator the person’s name and email address and ask for an invitation. It is always good to have contact information for both parents, ifpossible.
The Event Calendar is your gateway to life in Pack 52. When you click on Event Calendar, you get the calendar page for the current month. You can use the options on top to jump to any month you want, including past months. Clicking on an event brings you to a new page with the Event Info, Date and Time and date to RSVP by at the top. There is also a button for a Photo Album, to which you can upload and view photos of the event after it occurs, and download any photos you want. Please put your photos up so we can all see. Den leaders should put all den events on the calendar. You will get a reminder two days ahead of time for any event that is applicable to you or your son. Scrolldown and find Attachments related tothe event. This is where you will any Word documents related to the event.
The Broadcast System allows you to send an email to the whole pack, specific dens, or selected individuals. Any parent can send email - scout purposes only. Begin by selectingyour group or individuals. Next,you can link to an event on the calendar. Step 3 allows you to attach a file to your email. Once you Choose File, make sure to Upload the file. In Step 4, you give your email a Subject and write your message. You can Preview the finished email – it will actually send you a copy of the email. Then go back and Send Now.
If you need someone’s address or phone number, do an AdultSearch or a Scout Search. As long as that person has updated their profile, you will find home and cell phones and addresses.